Protest Airbnb & Fidelity Investments in Chicago June 3rd

Protest Airbnb & Fidelity Investments for listing rentals on illegally occupied Palestinian land Watch this video from Palestine: “We Can’t Live There, So Don’t Go There!” Date: Friday, June 3rd, […]

Protest Airbnb & Fidelity Investments for listing rentals on illegally occupied Palestinian land

Watch this video from Palestine: “We Can’t Live There, So Don’t Go There!”

Date: Friday, June 3rd, 2016
Time: 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Location: Fidelity Investments, 1 N. LaSalle, Corner of LaSalle and Madison, downtown Chicago

RSVP on Facebook

The #StolenHomes Campaign (led by American Muslims for Palestine, CodePink, Friends of Sabeel-North America, Jewish Voice for Peace, SumOfUs, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, and US Palestinian Community Network) is calling on Airbnb to immediately stop listing vacation rentals in Israeli settlements, all of which were built on stolen Palestinian land and deemed illegal under international law.

Since January, #StolenHomes has been demanding that Airbnb comply with international law and end its occupation profiteering, a call Airbnb has ignored despite being presented with a petition signed by now more than 150,000 people.

Airbnb’s own anti-discrimination policy states that they prohibit listings that promote racism, discrimination, or harm to individuals or groups, and require all users to comply with local laws. Yet, listing vacation rentals in illegal settlements promotes structural discrimination, theft of Palestinians’ land, and direct violations of international law. Through earning fees from settlement vacation rentals, Airbnb is directly profiting from the continuing occupation and dispossession of Palestinians.

Friday, June 3 is a national Day of Action to keep the pressure on Airbnb – we will target one of its important investors, Fidelity Investments, to urge its decision-makers to use their unique position to influence Airbnb.

Affordable housing and anti-gentrification activists across the country (including here in Chicago) are also regularly protesting Airbnb and its policies, which often drive property values up in working class neighborhoods, pushing families out of their homes. We support these community residents locally in Bronzeville, South Shore, Logan Square, Pilsen, Humboldt Park, Rogers Park, and other neighborhoods, because Palestinians and our supporters understand the issue as larger than just our cause.

On June 3rd, join us to say – NO vacationing in #StolenHomes and Stop Displacement in Chicago!

Chicago June 3rd action endorsed locally by 8th Day Center for Justice Staff, American Friends Service Committee, Anti-War Committee, Assata’s Daughters, Black Lives Matter-Chicago, Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine, and Students for Justice in Palestine-Chicago Network
