The US Palestinian Community Network expresses its feelings of great sadness and grief on the loss of the Palestinian community activist and leader Abu Obeida Abdel-Salam Omran, of the village of Burin, who lived in Houston, Texas. He died on Friday, August 13, 2010 of his injuries suffered as a victim of an attempted robbery at his business in Houston. Two thieves attempted to rob his business and then fatally injured Abu Obeida with their car as they fled. Abu Obeida died in the hospital later that night.
Abu Obeida Omran was always ready to serve his people, standing in the forefront of the defense of the Palestinian people’s rights, particularly the Right to Return. He was a leader in defending the civil and political rights of the Palestinian and Arab community in Texas. He was a leading organizer of the Viva Palestina convoy in 2009, which traveled to Gaza to break the siege and worked to support and welcome Palestinian refugees from Iraq arriving in the United States. He played an active role in building Palestinian community organizations, the right of return movement, solidarity movements with the Palestinian people, and cultural groups, including a popular debkeh troupe.
The Palestinian community has today lost a charismatic leader, and the children of Burin in the U.S., and all of the Palestinian community, mourn the loss of Abu Obeida. We pledge to him to continue upon the path of struggle, unity and return, and to fight for the full achievement of all of our national goals.
Today, we send greetings to the people of Burin village, to his wife, his children, his family and his comrades, in Palestine and in the diaspora. Abu Obeida Omran was born on November 13, 1967. He was 42 years old, married with two sons, Abu Obeida and Abu Ali Mustafa, and a daughter, Maryam.
* In the next 48 hours,friends and family of Abu Obieda will be receiving national and international messages of condolences, from people who are unable to attend the memorial from Individuals,Organizations, and Associations. Please send your condolences to: [email protected].
Allah yerhamo… May God rest his soul and give his family patience during this very tough time.
I once read hadith that someone who dies protecting his property, dies a true shaheed. He did the noble thing, Allah yerhamo inshAllah.
alla7 yer7amo wa esaber a7lo.
This is truly sad news, my deepest sympathy to the Palestinian Community World Wide. Prayers for his family will be offered during our meditations today. A nour wa assalam
كتبت هذه القصيدة في رثاء أبو عبيدة عمران الذي توفي إثر حادث اعتداء جبان عليه من قبل مجرمين في محله التجاري في هيوسـتن مسـاء الجمعة الثالث من رمضان 1431، الموافق 13 آب / أوغسـت 2010. كان أبو عبيدة من وجوه الجالية العربية الفلسـطينية الشـقيقة هنا في المدينة ومن رجالاتها الفاعلة على المسـتويين الإجتماعي والإنسـاني وعمل من أجل الدفاع عن الحقوق السـياسـية والمدنية للشـعب الفلسـطيني في الوطن المحتل والجالية في أمريكا. كنت قد تعرفت عليه منذ أشـهر قليلة من خلال الأمسـيات الشـعرية التي أقيمها في هيوسـتن وتلك الثقافية التي كان يقيمها تحت لواء فرقة العودة للتراث والمشـاريع الخيرية. كان من المسـاهمين في تأسـيس هذه الفرقة التي تهدف إلى جمع شـمل الجالية ومسـاعدتها من جهة وتعريف المجتمع الأمريكي بحقيقة العدو الاسـرائيلي من جهة ثانية. رحمه الله وألهم أسـرته وذويه الصبر والسـلوان.
في رثاء ِ أبي عُـبيدة ْ
أبو عبيدة عمران (1967-2010)
رَحَـل َ الرَجُـل ُ في الأمس ِ
رحَـل َ الرَجُـل ُ في لمْح ِ البَصَر ْ
ماعَـرفتـُه ُ مُنذ ُ زَمن ٍ ولكِن ْ
ماعَـرفت ُ عَـنه ُ إلا الهـِمَّة َ وبُعد َ النظـَـر ْ
وماعَـرفت ُ له ُ إلا قلبا ً مَـقاسَـه ُ الدُنيا
ويدا ً سَـخِيَّة ً سَـخاء َ المَطـَـر ْ
وحَمِـيَّـة ً تكاد ُ لا تنضُب ُ
ونـُبلا ً يُحاكي نـُبل َ الشـَـجَـر ْ
فهُـوَ مَن ْ أعطى بغير ِ حِسـاب ٍ
وهُـوَ مَن ْ لِخواطِر ِ الأيتام ِ جَـبَـر ْ
وهوَ في ظلام ِ الإحتلال ِ الظالِم ِ
كان َ لوَطنِه ِ كضَوء ِ القـمَـر ْ
كان َ لوَطنِه ِ السَــنـَـد ُ وكان َ الأمَل ْ
وكان َ له ُ الزاد ُ وكان َ الثـَمَـر ْ
طالما توانى بحَـق ِ نفسِـه ِ وقـصَّر ْ
ولكِـن ْ بخِـدمَة ِ الحَـق ِ ما مَـرَّة ً تأخـَّر ْ
ومانسِـيَّ في يوم ٍ أرضَ بورين ْ
عَـمَّرَ عَـليها وزَرَع َ فيها ولها انتصَر ْ
ويَوم َ اسـتغاثت ْ غزَة ُ هَب َّ وكان َ
إليها في مَقدِمَة ِ مَن ْ عَـبَـر ْ
وما مَشـت ْ مَسيرة ٌ هُنا إلا وكان َ
أول ُ مَن ْ سـار َ فيها وأول ُ مَن ْ حَـضَر ْ
حَمَـل َ القضية َ على كتِـفيه ِ
وجَمَع َ لها مِن ْ كل ِ ألوان ِ البشـَـر ْ
جَمَع َ العَـرَب َ وغير َ العَـرَب ِ
وهو َ لجَـمعِهم ْ حـياتـَه ُ نذر ْ
كم ْ مِن ْ مَرَة ٍ خاطر َ بحياتِه ِ ؟
وكم ْ مِن ْ مَرَة ٍ للمَوت ِ زجَـر ْ ؟
فأتى يَومُه ُ في رَمَضان َ ليَرحَـل َ عَـنّـا
نذرَ حَياتـَه ُ لِـفِـلِســطين َ وعلى الشـَـهادَة ِ فـَـطـَـر ْ
العَـين ُ عَـليه ِ اليَوم َ بَكـَـت ْ
والقلب ُ مَعَها عَـليه ِ انـفطـَـر ْ
فارس ٌ وإن ْ ترَجَّـل َ في المِهجَـر ِ
فهوَ في يوم ٍ لهُموم ِ شـَـعبـِه ِ ماهَجَـر ْ
رَحَـل َ أبو عُبَيدة َ وماترَك َ لـنا
إلا التسـليم َ بقضاء ِ الله ِ والقـدَر ْ
شعر: طريف يوسف آغا
هيوستن / تكساس
رمضان1431 / آب 2010
The Palestinians are crazy even to consider talking to Israel when it continues to build on Palestinian lands in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Also, without the involvement of Hamas, the talks are meaningless. The prediction that the negotiations will be complete “successfully” within one year shows that Obama and Hillary Clinton are completely delusional. They seem to live in a different planet.🙂