Become part of this crucial work. Get involved. Join the U.S. Palestinian Community Network.
Membership with full voting rights is open to all Palestinians and Arabs who adhere to our guiding principles (below).
We welcome non-member annual contributions from “Friends of USPCN” as well!
- Will receive a member ID card and an art piece produced by USPCN artists
- Have the right to join local chapter meetings
- Will be added to our general mailing list for updates of USPCN’s national, regional, and local action plans and activities
- Have voting privileges at semi-annual USPCN member meetings in local cities
USPCN’s guiding principles:
- Ending zionist Israel’s colonization and occupation of historical Palestine and all other Arab lands
- Right of Return for all Palestinian refugees, and their descendants, to the original homes, lands, and properties from which they were exiled in 1947-49 and again in 1967
- Self-determination and liberation for Palestine – From the River to the Sea – in an independent state with Jerusalem as our capital
Annual dues are $50 per person, or a reduced rate of $25 for students and low-income members.
Your membership dues will support the growth and expansion of USPCN activities nationally, and through local chapters. It will expand USPCN’s capacity to help organize Palestinians and Arabs in the U.S., as we fight for the liberation of our indivisible nation of Palestine.
Please select your membership and pay dues HERE to become a USPCN member!
Thank you for your support and involvement.
If you experience any difficulties, please contact us at